Comments from Past Workshop Participants
"It has been less than a month since your excellent introduction to egg tempera painting, and I want to thank you for the best workshop I’ve ever taken. I really appreciated your individualized approach to instruction. I learned more about painting in that one week than in all of art school."
“What an amazing time. Thank you again for your wonderful capacity to organize and discriminate what you have learned from the old masters. I came away stirred up, provoked, inspired… was very lucky that I was able to visit New York so directly after your workshop. I was able to begin to try and see the principles in real life. I feel I was able to enjoy those works for the very first time.”
“This [Composition and Design Workshop] workshop was filled with rare jewels of information that one doesn’t find in the best art schools and ateliers. Thank you so much for a fantastic workshop.”
"I want to thank you again for everything. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and your patience. I also appreciated the time you took to critique my work."
"Not to sound melodramatic, but your workshop has totally blown me away... thank you again for a truly wonderful week."
"The class was one of the most memorable and fantastic weeks of my life! I only wish I could have learned this stuff years ago. Thanks again for being so generous with your knowledge."
"Thank you soooo much for the fantastic workshop. I am very inspired and... have a feeling that the week I spent [in your workshop] will be a pivotal one. I am treasuring the whole experience."
"I really enjoyed this workshop and can’t wait to take my new knowledge into the studio. You’ve given me so much inspiration, both technically and artistically. Many, many thanks."
"Your class far exceeded my hopes and expectations (which were pretty high to begin with!). You gave me the technical information I needed."